10 Underutilized AI Strategies To 10X Marketing Output And ROI

Powerful chatGPT and generative AI strategies to scale content production for marketers and marketing agencies.

How Can AI Maximize Marketing Content Results?

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, marketers and agencies are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay ahead of the competition. One such game-changing tool that has emerged is generative AI, also known as artificial intelligence.

By leveraging the power of AI, marketers can unlock a whole new world of possibilities to enhance their content creation, streamline processes, and boost conversions. This article will explore ten little-known ways in which generative AI can seriously aid marketers in their pursuit of success.

1. Extract SEO Keywords for Competitive Edge:

SEO plays a crucial role in content marketing success. Generative AI empowers marketers to extract relevant SEO keywords from blocks of text, providing inspiration and insights for creating compelling content.

By auditing competitor articles, AI can unveil untapped keyword opportunities, giving marketers an edge in the race for higher search engine rankings.

2. Advanced Sentiment Analysis for Enhanced Messaging:

Understanding the emotional impact of your marketing efforts is essential. Generative AI offers advanced sentiment analysis capabilities, enabling marketers to uncover the true emotions and intent behind their top-performing ads and emails. Armed with this knowledge, marketers can refine their messaging to resonate deeply with their target audience, driving higher engagement and conversion rates.

3. TL;DR Summarization for Efficient Consumption:

In a world filled with information overload, it’s harder than ever to keep up to date in your field. Generative AI can help marketers combat this challenge by summarizing TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read).

Marketers can utilize AI to summarize lengthy articles, landing pages, or videos into concise, CliffNotes-like reports, ensuring their audience grasps the key takeaways quickly and effortlessly.

4. Interview Questions Tailored to Your Audience:

Understanding your target customer's pain points and preferences is crucial for effective marketing. Generative AI can assist marketers in creating tailored interview questions based on these insights. By leveraging AI's capabilities, marketers can delve deeper into their customers' needs and align their offers to provide optimal solutions.

5. Crafting Captivating Hooks with Micro Customer Hero Journeys:

The opening paragraph of your copy is crucial for capturing attention. Generative AI can help marketers create captivating hooks by generating the first paragraph of copy that resonates with their customer avatar. By utilizing AI's creative prowess, marketers can set the stage for compelling storytelling and create a strong emotional connection with their audience from the very beginning.

6. Simplify Data Management with Spreadsheet Creator:

Keeping track of competitor data or customer information can be a daunting task. Generative AI simplifies this process by creating customized spreadsheets. Marketers can rely on AI to generate lists of competitor or customer data, including platforms they market on, target customers, and main offers. This valuable resource saves time and provides easy access to critical insights.

Ex prompt: A four-column spreadsheet of my brand’s biggest competitors >>> INSERT COMPETITORS URLS <<< and the platforms they market on, their target customer, and their main offers

Competitor | Platforms they market on | Target customer | Main offers

7. Quick Answers with FAQ Finder:

Addressing frequently asked questions is crucial for building trust and providing a seamless user experience. Generative AI can assist marketers by quickly generating bullet-point lists of the top 10 FAQs from their target audience.

Armed with this information, marketers can optimize their content and streamline their customer support efforts.

8. Spark Creativity with Analogy Maker:

Expressing your offer in a clear and creative manner can be challenging. Generative AI comes to the rescue with its analogy-making capabilities. Marketers can rely on AI to generate on-brand metaphors and similes that captivate customers and effectively communicate the value of their products or services.

Ex: Create a metaphor or simile relevant for this text >>> INSERT TEXT <<<

9. Simplify Content Accessibility with 7th-Grade Summaries:

Tailoring your content to your target audience's reading level is vital for engagement and comprehension. Generative AI can analyze and simplify your finished copy to ensure it is easy to read for a 7th-grade reading level—the average reading level in the USA. This feature allows marketers to bridge the gap and communicate effortlessly with their audience.

Ex: Simplify the text output to a level appropriate for a seventh-grade student.

10. Generate Ad Copy from Product Descriptions for Split-Testing:

Creating compelling ad copy is essential for maximizing conversions. Generative AI can enhance this process by generating multiple split-test variations from your most popular product or service descriptions. Marketers can leverage AI to produce fresh and engaging ad copies, giving them a competitive edge in their advertising campaigns.

AI Marketing Strategies Conclusion:

Generative AI is revolutionizing the way marketers and agencies approach content creation and optimization. With its versatile capabilities, marketers can extract valuable insights, streamline processes, and enhance the overall effectiveness of their campaigns.

By embracing the power of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude-2, or Jasper, marketers can unlock untapped potential and achieve remarkable results in their AI marketing endeavors.

Embrace the future of marketing with AI and witness your brand's success soar to new heights.


Contact me at justin@hardymarketing.biz or on my Linkedin profile to schedule an AI marketing training for you or your marketing team!


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